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The anatomy of decisions

Penguin Books, 1978
  • angol
  • 245 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Bagolyfészek Antikvárium

In this book, designed for both students and practising managers, the authors set out the principles with which the skilful manager will approach his difficulties. Examples from business and industry, both private and public, as well as from government, are used to illustrate the complexity of the problems which can be solved by intelligent decision-analysis, ranging from a manufacturer's concern over the best way of producing a new product to the infinitely more complicated matter of choosing the most effective modes of publicity in launching a new product. Although the science of decision-taking has benefited enormously from the introduction of mathematical techniques, the level of mathematical sophistication is well within the most innumerate reader's grasp. In particular, the book is suitable for students of business management at universities and polytechnics. A companion volume Case Studies in Decision Analysis by the same authors is also available as a Penguin Education Text.