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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Boxing

Magánkiadás, 1989
  • angol
  • 256 oldal
  • Kötés: keménytábla, védőborító
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Tûzõr Antikvárium
  • karcos borító

Boxing is a sport which excites the emotions as no other. It is the most basic of all sports,where the participants need only skill, fitness, strength, experience, patience and luck, but also in the last resort raw courage. In all sports commentators use the much overworked word 'pressure' - but few sportsmen face pressure of a boxer, forwhom one punch could mean not only the end of his career but possibly a period of extreme physicaldistress. The pressure of a putt at golf surely cannot compare. Perhaps for this reason spectators and fans get bound up with their heroes. The action is violent, fast and dramatic, and are high. Followers pay enormous sums to see the best, and the heavyweight championship of the world is called 'the richest prize in sport'.